Hey y’all,

I hope you’ve been having a good summer, even through the quarantine. This season has been much more difficult than I would have thought it could be, but we’re trying to make the best of it in any way we can.

I wanted to send out an update about some changes happening with me.

Since early this year, I’ve been trying to take stock of my priorities and where I spend my time. Outside of family time, I’ve really had three main areas of focus: work, arts ministry, and art-making. These have always ebbed and flowed a little, but I’ve come to realize that right now I’m not able to give enough meaningful time to more than two of these areas at once, and it’s become a burden to keep trying to fit them all in.

Time for art-making has consistently been the first thing to go when my time is strained, and in turn, that’s made me feel less energized and enthusiastic about arts ministry. I felt like I wasn’t taking care of myself – that I was neglecting something important and an essential part of me.  In light of this, I’ve decided to step away from arts ministry for right now, and to try to create more space for art-making.

I have loved being able to lead and grow with the arts ministry at Christ Church over the past five (!) years and I don’t think this is the end of arts ministry for me – more of a sabbatical, to regroup.

Katie will continue leading Faith&Arts, and I will move to a supportive husband role. She’ll continue to be an excellent leader, and I know she’s got a number of fun, new things planned coming up soon. I’m still around, of course, and rooting for you all!

With affection,

A quick note from Katie

I just wanted to say that I’m excited about the future of Faith&Arts at Christ Church.  I have many ideas, and I look forward to seeing what God does in us and through us.  This decision for Shaun to step away was not made without some grief on both our parts, but we are in full agreement that it’s the right thing for now.  Please pray for him as he steps more fully into his art-making ventures, and for me as I navigate leadership of this ministry without him.

Stay tuned for info about our fall plans, and let me know if you have any needs or prayer requests. ♥️